Route 613


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Find out when your bus is coming using Route 613, an app dedicated to making public transit easier to use in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. With GPS-corrected times provided by OC Transpo, you’ll always know if your bus is on time or not.What's New in 1.1?Presto: Check on your presto card(s) with the all new presto tab.Directions: Find the best way from A to B using OC Transpo using the directions section of the map.Favorites: Access them at any time! Live Updates Feed: An all new clear-all button to quickly dismiss all live updates that you no longer need.
The main screen is great for showing you important information right when you’ll need it. Waiting at a stop and want to know when the bus will arrive? Simply open the app and it will show you a card listing nearby stops, including yours. Just tap on your stop to get arrival times right away. This space is also used to present you with the latest live updates from OC Transpo including cancellations, delays, detours, and service change announcements. Once you’ve seen an update, just swipe on it to dismiss it! Any past and dismissed updates can be viewed in the Live Updates tab.
Have a stop that you use frequently? Add it to your favourites to quickly access it again later!
Not sure where the nearest bus stop is? By using the map, navigate your area to find the nearest bus stop and get bus arrival times without even leaving the map.
Have a bus you need to catch but won’t arrive for a while? Set a reminder for that trip by long-pressing on the desired bus and setting the desired advanced notice time. You will receive a notification when your bus is approaching.
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Public Issue Tracker at: bugs, or suggest features!